Holidays & Special Services

Join the Temple Emanuel community as it celebrates holidays year-round.


On the Saturday evening preceding Rosh Hashanah, we gather in our sanctuary with our choir to welcome in the season of awe, to continue the process of teshuvah(repentance), and to change the mantles of our Torah Scrolls from the beautiful colors to white.

High Holy Days

  • Rosh Hashanah: Begins sunset Wednesday October 2, 2024.
  • Yom Kippur: Begins sunset Friday October 11, 2024.

See full details on our High Holy Days programming for 5785 / 2024 here


On Erev Sukkot, join our clergy for a fun family friendly service where we shake the lulav and smell the etrog and rejoice in our season of joy.  On the Shabbat which falls during Sukkot we celebrate Sukkot under the Stars, a gorgeous outdoor service celebrating Shabbat and the festival in our beautiful Mark Mann Pavillion.

Simchat Torah

Celebrate with us as we conclude the solemn season of Autumn holidays as we rejoice in restarting the cycle of Torah reading with festive music, prayers, and dancing with the Torahs.


We celebrate the miracle of the Macabees victory over the Asyrian-Greeks and the oil which lasted for eight nights with lots of festivities including a lighting of the Chanukiah(Chanukah menorah).

Tu B’shvat

At Tu B’shvat, we welcome environmental speakers to our Shabbat services and facilitate home Tu B’Shvat seders.


On Purim we celebrate with the whole family starting with a Purim Shpiel and then our Carnival, led by our KESTY Teens. Come in costume and enjoy crafts, games, snacks and more! Adults enjoy a distinctly grown-up Purim shpiel on the Saturday evening before the holiday.


We join together with other Temples from the Washington, DC area for Festival Services on the first morning and seventh day of Passover. For more information, please refer to the calendar.


We join together with other Temples from the Washington, DC area for a Festival Service, and celebrate our Confirmation class on Erev Shavuot. For more information, please refer to the calendar.