List of Resources Compiled by URJ
URL has released a webpage with links to many of their past statements as well as engagement opportunities and other resources.
URJ and Israel: Post-Oct 7th Updates and Resources
Educator Resource on Antisemitism:
The Museum of Jewish Heritage in NYC published a short document for educators about antisemitism. It explains the history of antisemitism and where some of the common tropes come from.
Read the Antisemitism resource
Statements from URJ / ARZA:
The Moment We Are In, The Future We Pray For – A Statement from Reform Movement Institutions, January 30, 2024
When Families Disagree:
URJ shares ideas on Staying Connected with Our Loved Ones, Even When We Disagree
From Rabbi Adam:
(Email sent to Temple Emanuel community on October 7)
Dear friends,
Today was to be a joyous day as we observed Shabbat and Simchat Torah, rejoicing and celebrating the end of a beautiful, meaningful season of holidays.
Instead, we awoke to the news of a coordinated attack against the State of Israel and the Jewish people. So far, hundreds of Israelis have been murdered, thousands injured, and many taken captive by Palestinian terrorists whose charter calls for the destruction of the only Jewish state in the world and the extermination of our people.
No matter our politics or feelings about the Israeli government, let me be clear: We stand with Israel. These outrageous, inhumane acts of violence and terror against our homeland must be unequivocally and forcefully condemned. We support Israel’s right to defend her borders and her people without hesitation or exception. We hope for a speedy resolution to the conflict and a resounding defeat of Israel’s enemies. We pray for the victims of terror and their families, and we hold in our hearts our loved ones and friends in Israel.
Additionally, I encourage you to support these organizations during these difficult times.
ARZA- The Association of Reform Jewish Zionists of America
The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington Israel Crisis Relief Fund
Pray for the well-being of Jerusalem; May those who love you be at peace.
May there be well-being within your ramparts, peace within your citadels. ~Psalm 122
Shavua Tov,
Rabbi Adam Rosenwasser
Upcoming Events:
Some excerpts from the Our Hearts are in the East special musical event on Monday October 9 are available online.
JFGW Israel Crisis Relief Fund:
The Jewish Federation has created an Israel Crisis Relief Fund to provide critical support for relief efforts as this crisis unfolds.
Donate to the Israel Crisis Relief Fund
Resources for Talking to Children:
PDF on Supporting Children After a Tragic Event by Orly Zimmerman-Leizerov, LCSW-C
Israel Crisis Page from the Federation
PDF link here
Contact your representatives to call for an inspection of the Shifra Hospital