
At Temple Emanuel, our rich musical tradition enriches worship with meaning and joy.  Cantor Lindsay leads our congregation in a wide array of familiar and new melodies.

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Shiru L'Adonai


Musical Groups

Kol Zimrah Choir – Our congregational choir is a wonderful way to experience Jewish music, participate in worship services and concerts, and learn the music of our liturgy. Previous music and/or choir experience is welcome but not required. No auditions necessary, only a love for singing.

Kol Ruach Junior Choir – Kol Ruach is a fun and exciting way for kids to spend time with their friends, learn fun songs, and connect musically to Judaism. Join Cantor Lindsay in leading Temple Emanuel in song, participating in various services and concerts throughout the year.

Mizmor L’Shabbat Band – Our ensemble of musicians includes electric bass, piano, guitars, and drums, adding ruach and energy to our Shabbat Worship.  Our home-grown band of temple members enhance our music and sense of community when they share the bimah, accompanying several services throughout the year.

No auditions are necessary to join any of these groups, only a love for singing and music. For more information, please contact Cantor Lindsay.